Civil society advocacy for the migrant and refugee agency and their right to have rights.


Tijuana, México

Information about the conference
The II Conference will be held from March 21st to 23rd, 2023, in Tijuana, Mexico. The objective of this conference is to “To strengthen the civil society incidence capacity at regional, national and international level in the management of the challenges that migration presents, especially in the South-South context, in general, and in the Latin American and Caribbean context, specifically, for the agency of migrants and refugees, promoting and defending their rights”.

The proposal is to promote studies, reflections and inter-institutional coordination between scholars and agents who work with people on the move, in order to deep the knowledge with contributions from the interested parties and from practical work and to enhance advocacy efforts through the mutual enrichment between practical work and the production of knowledge and analysis of the phenomenon.

History of the event
In December 2018 CSEM, with the collaboration of Weltkirche (Hauptabteilung Weltkirche der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart – Germany), the congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, Scalabrinians – MSCS, with its general headquarters in Rome, Italy and Bienvenu Shelter (NGO run by the MSCS Sisters) in Johannesburg, South Africa, held a Conference in Johannesburg with the theme “Rebuilding life at the borders: challenges in caring for migrants and refugees”. The event boosted networking among the participants, underlined the relevance of the participation of migrants and refugees as active subjects in debates on issues related to them, highlighted the importance of the exchange between academic reflection and practice of assistance to people in a situation of mobility for the quality and effectiveness of the objectives that the respective actors set themselves and motivated the continuity of sharing and deepening the debate among the participants with the goal of impacting on the search for effective responses in favor of the cause of migration and refuge.



Tijuana, México.
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