idi euaAcross the European Union women constitute on average one third of people who apply for asylum in their own right.

GENDER-RELATED ASYLUM CLAIMS IN EUROPE: Comparative Analysis of Law, Policies and Practice Focusing on Women in Nine EU Member States (France, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Romania, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom)

Across the European Union women constitute on average one third of people who apply for asylum in their own right. The principle of the fair and consistent treatment of all individuals, including asylum seekers and refugees is enshrined in a range of international human rights mechanisms including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol (the Refugee Convention). European Union law obliges Member States to ensure equality between women and men and to gender-mainstream all policies within its competence (article 3). EU Member States therefore have a clear obligation both to respect asylum seekers’ human rights and not to discriminate between men and women.

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