The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has changed people’s lives and the way they interact together in almost all nations and regions. The political reactions to this global pandemic have influenced national responses and play a significant part in the changes it has triggered. Presently, the world is experiencing political, social and economic upheavals of epic proportion, never seen or encountered since the turn of the 20th century due to COVID-19.

Tanja Kleibl from University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfur, Janestic Twikirize from the Makerere University, Ronald Lutz from the University of Applied Science, Erfurt, Rebecca Gutwald from the Munich School of Philosophy, Ndangwa Noyoo from the University of Cape Town and Maria do Carmo Gonçalves, from the Scalabrinian Centre for Migration Studies (CSEM) opened a call for papers for a book that aims to reflect critically on the impacts of the global crisis on social work.

The objectives of the contributions in the book should be:

1. To draw attention to the global impact of COVID-19 and to highlight national responses that effect the global pandemic in southern and northern countries.

2. To assess global social work and social development responses to COVID-19.

3. To discuss how nations are meeting the needs of the poor and marginalized communities in the Global South and North.

4. To examine the coping mechanisms and strategies of poor and marginalized population groups in the Global South and North.

The deadline for abstracts (max 250 words) is 15.6.2020. Contact: Ronald Lutz,

Only abstracts in English will be accepted.

Here you can access the full document for more informations

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